Community Christian School of Baraboo:

Providing for the Present & Future

Community Christian School of Baraboo is a non-denominational Christian school teaching preschool through 12th grade with a classically-inspired, Christ-centered emphasis.

Our MISSION is to support parents in their task of bringing up children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 6:4).

OUR VISION is to educate the next generation of servant leaders who will impact our world with the truth and freedom of the Gospel.

“We look forward to partnering with our community and those beyond as we catch the vision for the future together. At the heart, helping CCS grow means an opportunity to reflect on God’s faithfulness and to look ahead at how we can, in gratitude, continue to steward for the future.”

~Christy Tarjette

CCS Faith Foundation

Click to read about an exciting opportunity to provide for both the present and the future of CCS through a simple endowment application process and consideration of CCS in current or future estate planning. Download the application and return to CCS today! Thank you for considering this opportunity!

CCS Timothy Fund:

Supporting our teachers

CCS is excited to introduce another opportunity to provide for CCS both now and in the future with a special endowment. The Timothy Fund is directed toward supporting teachers choosing to work in Christian education.

Stay tuned for more information on how to give to this fund!

“That is why I sent you Timothy, my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, to remind you of my ways in Christ…”

-I Corinthians 4:17a

What Others Are Saying…

  • “CCS has been a place for me to both grow and to encourage others spiritually and professionally, a place to teach and to learn.” ~ Kim Hilario, Kindergarten Teacher

  • “I like that I can really get to know my students due to the smaller class size. Being able to talk about Jesus openly and build or lessons around that goal makes me come alive.” ~ Rachel Langeberg

  • Our vision at CCS is to educate the next generation of servant leaders who will impact our world with the truth and freedom of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And the means, our mission, by which we fulfill that vision is using an excellent Christian education to support families as they seek to raise their children as disciples of Jesus Christ. ~Christy Tarjette

  • “We as a family are so very grateful to the teachers and the other parents who make CCS such a safe, welcoming, and supportive school. The values that you instill are exactly the values that I want my children to carry with them when they go out into this world.” ~Don and Shannon